Matt Moropoulos

Engineering · Robotics · AvGas

About me

I'm a Bay Area native, multidisciplinary engineer, and curious hacker. Outside of my technical focus areas, I'm a pilot, Eagle Scout, outdoorsman, hobbyist, and volunteer mentor for a FIRST Robotics Competition team. I have worked in machine shops, at NASA Ames Research Center, and currently at Google X in Mountain View, CA. At Ames, I worked on supporting SPHERES and Astrobee as a member of the systems engineering, integration, testing, and ground science team. At X, I make multidisciplinary contributions to each level of our emerging robotics technogies as a Mechatronics Systems Engineer on the Everyday Robot Project

When I'm not in class or working, chances are I can be found at the nearest airport looking for a way to get airborne. I earned my Private Pilot certificate in 2013 with the Upwind Summer Scholarship Program. Flying provides an exciting, constantly evolving challenge to learn more and hone my skills. I love the outdoors, and enjoy spending my time adventuring offroad, fishing, backpacking, or staring down 3,500 foot cliffs in Yosemite National Park. I also design, build, and fly radio controlled aircraft, from 3-D stunt planes to drones. Radio control allows me to build and hack in an environment that's always fascinated me.

Professionally, I see myself as a wildcard contributor. I'm the first volunteer to take on solving new problems no matter where the root cause may be. I thrive in environments where my exact role is dictated by the problem that needs solving. I love to contribute everywhere that I can, and to know that the resulting magnitude of my contributions has moved the needle. I take pride in being able to speak the language of my teammates at every level from technicians to engineering managers. I strive for personal responsibility, empathetic communication, and respectful collaboration at all times. Team values which focus on diversity, inclusion, and equity are of particular importance to me.


Technical Presentation

Alongside technical writing and documentation, animation, drawings, and diagrams are part of my core experience in engineering. I am comfortable using LaTeX and other markup tools.


I have experience teaching engineering design with CAD tools, including SOLIDWORKS and several PCB design tools. I enjoy taking on personal design projects, such as scratch-built dashboard cameras, CNC laser cutters, and 3D printers.

Manufacturing and Programming

I'm at home in the shop, where my machining experience includes welding (MIG and TIG), metal machining, powdercoating, and rapid prototyping using 3D printers and lasers. I'm proficient in C, C++, Python, Matlab, Bash, and Ruby, all of which I have used for both work and personal projects.

Private Pilot

Though I'm not yet commercially rated, I've received my tailwheel endorsement and flown more than twenty unique aircraft types. I'm currently studying for my instrument flight rating and hope to become a certified flight instructor.

Get in touch

Mailing Address
Matt Moropoulos
PO Box 1004
Belmont, CA 94002
P: (650) 339-4869